Saturday, August 01, 2009

you know you're not in your full mind when... stand in front of your front door for a full minute pressing the unlock button on your car key, wondering why the door won't open...


Anonymous said...

Long day?

Dixie Vargo said...

I heard about one worse than that. Apparently a lady was standing outside her car crying when police found her. The battery in her keyfob had died and her "unlock" button wouldn't work. Imagine her embarrasment when the officer took the keys from her hands, put it in the lock and opened the door. :)

lorie said...

Dixie, believe it or not, I've done that, too. Not to the point of tears, but I certainly panicked for a few seconds!

It also ranks up there with the time I was sitting on the toilet in one of the bathrooms at work, waving my hand in front of the toilet paper roll waiting for it to spit out toilet paper like the paper towel thingy does.

Do you think I've got too much on my mind, or what?

cj said...